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Saying Cheers..

Wow, it is finally here and on this Beltane Day of May 1st I have finally launched the new therapy menu for Verbena.

It was one of those sparks of creativity as well as a dawning that the old treatment plan didn't correspond to the way I was when I sat down with my clients and discussed their needs. You see if you have had a treatment with me I always begin by asking the question "How are you?"

Everyone of us, me included, have days when we are on top of the world and other days where we are as flat as a pancake, so the days when a swedish massage will fix you aren't always the days that you are living when you come to see me- so we fix it.

Wellness isn't linear. It is organic and completely unique to you each and every day.

This is what I do when we have consultations, but it wasn't listed as such on the old fashioned way of thinking that spa and beauty treatment menus existed under.

So I flipped the old fashioned way of thinking about wellness onto its head!

You can manifest your wellness.

You get to create your own unique journey into becoming that best version of yourself.

And this is how you do it...

Firstly decide how long you have available for your wellness,

then decide what you want to achieve during this time,

then decide if you need any magical additions.

Then all you need to do is to let go and allow the journey to unfold under the masterful hands, watchful eyes and healing soul of Verbena.

For you see, you are TOTALLY worth it all.

Your wellness is never an expense, it is an investment into your wellbeing!

Show yourself a little love and appreciation.

Much love and Light

Elaina x

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