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New Year, New Thoughts...

It has always been at the fore front of my mind to make sure that WELL-BEING was the main aspect of Verbena. With the turning of the year I sat thinking how I could do more. Then it hit me... Well-being isn't a luxury, its a NECESSITY!

No matter what your personal circumstances your well-being should be the top of your to-do list. So I created WELLNESS WEDNESDAYS.

a limited number of 30 minute appointments on a Wednesday morning within the therapy room in Shotts.

Clients can choose from a Coconut oil massage or a Reiki healing session. Both are priced at a "Pay what you can" level. A minimum of £8 is asked so that the room rental & washing expenses are covered.

Well-being is Freedom from Dis-ease.

Now Well-being is open and available to everyone.

It's the little things that matter in this life and in a world where you can be anything you like, I ask you all to just be KIND. Kind to yourselves and kind to others.

People might forget your name but they never forget how you made them feel.

Wishing you all a beautiful 2022 where you all grow into that best version of yourself.

Love & light

Elaina x

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