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Growing the Dream

The Verbena Dream is a big one. I’ve moved forwards, I’ve taken steps back. I’ve made good decisions and made bad ones. It’s all been a learning curve. Nothing is a negative as long as a lesson is learned. The last 8 months have been a real changer for Verbena and for me. I retweeked how I had been running my business because I felt I had too in order to gain a successful business. I took on others ideas and moved my business in that direction, all the time knowing that deep within me that this wasn’t Verbena, nor was it me.

I was at the point of abandoning my business and my dreams. Of giving up because I felt that no matter where I thought or where I tried to create new avenues for verbena others took them and used them for themselves.

I felt like I was trying to climb an ice mountain when I was in flip flops. I was done. I had no fight left in me. It was over.

The shift in the energies over Halloween and the start of November turned me upside down and gave me a shake. What the heck was I thinking?

Verbena was my baby. It is my dream. It is created from my manifestations, my hard work & dedication, it comes from my passions and my truths. They say that when someone “copies” you it is the biggest form of flattery you can get. Even if it is hard to accept.

So I say to those who follow me and copy me, Thankyou for flattering me but that’s all it will ever be. I’m glad I inspire you but really you should be speaking your own truths, your own passions and being your own authentic self not trying to be who you are not.

Verbena is here to stay!

And I am growing her in the ways she needs it. Giving birth to new ideas, new adventures and lots of new beginnings for Verbena, me & all my beautiful and wonderful clients, supporters and members. I love you all.

Keep being your authentic selves and never dull your sparkle for anyone.

Elaina x

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