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Contact Us

Would you like to know more as to how our Wellbeing Specialists can help you? 

Use the details below to get in touch. We look forward to helping you to become that best version of you.

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Verbena HQ, 8 Mosside Terrace, Wester Inch

07584 258187

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Therapy Room
Opening Hours

Tues - Wed

9:30 am – 2:30 pm

Tuesday evenings                6:45pm - 8:45pm


10:00 am – 2:00 pm

Other  appointment times maybe available on request.

Verbena offers a Home Visit appointment for clients too, not all of our offerings are available for home appointments and spaces are limited. If you wish for a home appointment please get in touch and we can see where we can accommodate you.

Your little place of Relaxation, Restoration & Revival.

Verbena Therapies... helping you become the best version of you.

Our Creator and Wellbeing Specialist Elaina started out her career back in 1999 with her HND in beauty therapy. 

Over these last 2 decades she has worked for some fabulous businesses and has gained more knowledge and skills along the way. Becoming an EFT practitioner, Life Coach and Reiki Master.

Her wealth of knowledge and kind heart allows you to feel safe, grow and offload in a space where you can be seen, heard, understood and held while you grow into the best version of you.

To Book your appointment click on the link below and Elaina & Verbena look forward to seeing you grow and blossom into you.

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